Anticoagulation Services

Blood Clotting Diagnostics at Oroville Hospital

Oroville Hospital’s Anticoagulation Clinic provides services to determine the clotting tendency of blood, in the measure of warfarin dosage, liver damage, and vitamin K status. Our team of physicians, certified physician assistants, and family nurse practitioners help process testing to determine measures of prothrombin ratios and International Normalized Ratio (INR).

As Chief Medical Officer and Patient Safety Director at Oroville Hospital’s Anticoagulation Clinic, Matthew Fine, MD, oversees all anticoagulation patient services. Dr. Fine is board certified in Internal Medicine. Also, all of the physician assistants on our anticoagulation services team are certified and in compliance with the regulations of the national certifying organization, the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants.

Oroville Hospital’s Anticoagulation Clinic provides:

  • Point-of-care ProTimes and INR’s
  • Counseling regarding diet
  • Counseling regarding medication interactions
  • Initial and ongoing patient education regarding safe use of warfarin and other anticoagulants

Our qualified nurse practitioners (NP) or certified physician assistants (PA-C) are available during clinic hours to answer any of your questions about anticoagulation services. They will also provide immediate instruction regarding your warfarin dose.

Anticoagulation services are available at the Oroville Anticoagulation Practice, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Referrals are required. For more information about Cardiovascular Testing, please contact us at Oroville Hospital by calling 530-538-5700.

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