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Starting March 23 - No Smoking Campus

Starting Monday, March 23, 2020, individuals will not be allowed to smoke on the hospital campus, including in vehicles. Smoking and vaping can make a person more vulnerable to a severe infection such as with the novel coronavirus. To help patients through this process providers are offering nicotine replacement therapy.

Here are some helpful tips that can assist with quitting smoking:

● Get regular exercise.
● Stay away from smokers and places that make you want to smoke. If people close to you
   smoke, ask them to quit with you or avoid smoking around you.
● Keep gum, hard candy, or something to put in your mouth handy. If you get a craving for a
   cigarette, try one of these instead.
● Keep your hands busy. Do a crossword puzzle, seek-a-word, or Sudoku puzzle.
● Teach yourself to knit or crochet, you tube learning videos are helpful when learning new tasks.
● Play games on your phone or computer.
● Call a friend and chat, or write a friend a letter or card.
● Give yourself time challenges. Lengthen the time between each cigarette and start with realistic

If you need help quitting call the Oroville Hospital Pulmonary Clinic and schedule a smoking cessation appointment with Dr. Bagga at 530-532-8654. All insurances are welcome and a referral from your primary care provider is not necessary.

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